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Lowongan Kerja (MARKETING) Februari 2021

PT. Alpa Scorpii



PT. Alla Scorpil merupakan Main Dealer resmi sepeda motor merk YAMAHA untuk daerah Sumut, NAD, Riau Daratan, dan Riau Kepulauan. Saat ini PT Alfa Scorpii sudah memiliki 37 cabang dealer.

Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga Muda/i untuk bergabung bersama kami.


  • Pria/ Wanita usia 21 tahun keatas.
  • Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (SIM C).
  • Minimal pendidikan SMA Sederajat.


  • Gaji + Insentif + Reward.
  • Bonus Trip.
  • Jenjang Karir yang jelas.
  • Training dan Pengembangan diri.

  • Pendapatan 4 JUTAAN perbulan
  • Pria/ Wanita usia 21 tahun keatas.
  • Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (SIM C).
  • Minimal pendidikan SMA Sederajat.


TIBAN: Komplek Pertokoan Tiban Centre Blak K No.3-No HP/WA: 0812 6730 7633/No HP/WA: 0821 7911 7271

BOTANIA: Komplek Ruko Marbella 2 Blok D6 No 1-3, Bolania - No HP/WA: 0812 6730 7633


PT. Alfa Scorpii Botania (YAMAHA)


Kualifikasi :

  1. Pria, Usia 23 - 30 tahun.
  2. Pendidikan Minimal S1 Semua Jurusan.
  3. Diutamakan Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang
  4. Memiliki Kendaraan sendiri. 
  5. Memiliki SIM C & SIM A (Lebih diutamakan).
  6. Bersedia Dinas Keluar Kota
  7. Menguasai Ms Excel, Ms Word dan Ms Power Point.
  8. Bisa Berbahasa Teochew / Hokkien (Lebih diutamakan)
  9. Bertanggung jawab dalam pengembangan area Riau Kepulauan. Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan.
  10. Berorientasi pada target.

Peluang & Fasilitas :

  • kesempatan menentukan karir dimasa depan. kesempatan belajar berwirausaha.
  • Insentif.
  • marketing/penjualan.

Kirim Berkas Lamaran Lengkap

(Surat lamaran, CV, Ijazah, FC Transkrip Nilai, FC KTP, FC SIM, FC Sertifikat pendukung. Pas Photo 3x4 = 1 Lembar)

ke PT. Alfa Scorpii :  Komplek Green Town Blok Q No.1,2,3, Kp. Pelita Kec. Bengkong, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29444

Email : hrdgarikep.alfascorpii@gmail.com | Mencantumkan KODE POSISI pada sudut kanan atas amplop

PT Venturindo Jaya Batam

PT Venturindo Jaya Batam is a leading international Design and Manufacturing company with a history of over 20 years. It has vast international networks to design, develop, test, manufacturing and sales of highly innovative lo products and precision instruments in AMAZON USA, Japan, RAKUTEN Japan, Amazon UK, Germany, France, Singapore, Larada Singapore etc. Our customers are CANON Japan, YAMAHA, PANASONIC, SONY, etc. Our team comprises multinational and highly specialized professionals that bring excellence career advancement opportunities with international exposure. We offer competitive salaries to ambitious and talented individuals who have the passion and share similarity of our corporate values to join our dynamic teams for growth.

Job Title: Mobile Developer iOS/Android

Job Responsibilities:

  • Develop iOS apps with Swift and Android apps with java using Android Studio
  • Maintain and update iOS/Android apps
  • Maintain internal and external testers and release beta apps to Test Flight 
  • Responsible to deploy latest os apps and Android apps
  • Design and develop front-end and back-end mobile application,
  • Participate in brainstorming sessions with team members to develop web and mobile applications.

Job Requirements:

  • Knowledge of C-Language, Java, Swift, JavaScript and SQL/NoSQL Database 
  • Experience with photoshop, PHP and managing full application stacks will be an advantage Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, or a related field
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills Good interpersonal skills, strong analytical and problem-solvingskis
  • Creative and able to work vidependently and as team in a stimulating multi disciplinary environment emphasizing 
  • Team work

Please submit full resume with photo to HR at: anita@venturindo.com

Subject: Job Inquiry-"position"