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Informasi Perusahaan : 

Factory Type B2 Lot 03 Panbil Industrial Estate, Muka Kuning-Batam 29433 Telp: 62-(0778) 371396 Fax: 62-(778) 371397 Email: admin@greentechglobalindo.com


1. Maintenance & Facility (Laki-laki)
2. Operator Mesin Cutting (Laki-laki)
3. Operator Gudang (Laki-laki)

Dengan persyaratan:

  •  Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun (1,2,3) 
  • Usia max 35 tahun
  • Tinggi badan minimal 160cm
  • Bersedia kerja shift malam
  • Dapat bekerja dalam team
  • Sudah vaksin pertama dan kedua


  • Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter H-1 sebelum lamaran dikirim ke email. 
  • Surat kelakuan baik dari kepolisian yang masih berlaku.
  • Lampirkan Sertifikat vaksin, KTP, KK, Ijasah, NPWP, Pengalaman Kerja.
  • CV, dan Surat lamaran.
Bagi pelamar yang sudah memenuhi Persyaratan diatas, bisa diemail ke
Email : greentechglobalindo88@gmail.com atau
dititipkan lamarannya ke security PT. Greentech Gloablindo, Jika ada persyaratan yang tidak sesuai dan tidak lengkap maka TIDAK TERIMA. ( Saya sarankan melalui email saja ya )

Lamaran yang sudah kami terima tidak dapat dikembalikan. Penerimaan karyawan baru ini tidak di pungut biaya apapun!

PT. Wohlrab Indonesia is subsidiary of Wohlrab Aufdampftechnik GmbH German focused on coating services is looking for a highly talented and enthusiastic person to join our Company

1. STORE SUPERVISOR, Maintain receiving warehouse and distribution of incoming material &outgoing finished products on time; Safeguard warehouse operations and contents by establishing & monitoring security procedures & protocols; Analyze and log purchase orders commensurate with existing stock availability; Ensure process order & delivery on time; Plan and arrange logistic required shipments.

2. PLANNER, Ensure daily production requirement are achieved to meet customer expectation; Create production schedule and prioritizes job orders for production optimization; Maintain production schedule and others reports as required; Analyze and prepare documents needed for production & shipments; Follow up as required with all teams to expedite flow of material and document to meet production schedule & customer expectation; Complete status reports for production progress, work in process and raw material inventory.


  • Min Diploma / Degree holder
  • Min 2 years related experience - Fluent in English both verbal and written
  • Proficient in using microsoft office
  • Strong organizational and communication skills.
  • Experience of multicultural working environment is must.
Personal characteristics;
  • Goal oriented
  • Precise and meticulous.
  • Professional appearance and behaviour. - Strong sense of responsibility.
  • Uncompromised integrity.
  • Team player, "Open mind" -thinking
If you interest & meet the qualification please sent your application to: 

JI. Beringin Lot 12 BIP Mukakuning, Batam

Email : angketi@wohlrab-indonesia.com Ccria.juliarti@wohlrab-indonesia.com