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Lowongan kerja PT. Rubycon Indonesia


PT. Rubycon Indonesia  < Link melamar ada di bawah Pos >

Informasi Mengenai Perusahaan : 

Alamat : Kawasan Industri Batamindo Industrial Park Jl. Gaharu Lot 220-226 Muka Kuning, Kabil, Kec. Sei Beduk, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29433
Alamat  :  - 
Link atau website :
No Telp : (0770) 611412
Gaji : Level operator adalah Umk yakni 4.180.000 belum termasuk tunjangan, lembur atau OT, Dll

PT Rubycon Indonesia adalah Perusahaan yang Bergerak di Bidang Manufaktur Jepang yang mengkhususkan diri dalam Pembuatan Kapasitor Elektrolit dengan berbagai aplikasi termasuk konsumen, industri, listrik, pencahayaan dan otomotif. Berdiri di Batam sejak 1994. Sebagai bagian dari Rubycon Group yang sudah lima dekade berkultivasi.

A Japanese leading manufacturer of electronic components which is located in Batam, Riau Islands is seeking the qualified candidates with the following requirements :


A Japanese leading manufacturer of electronic components which is located in Batam, Riau Islands is seeking the qualified candidates with the following requirements:
  1. Male/female, single min. 18 years old
  2. S1 Chemical, Electronics, Mechanical (b)
  3. S1/D3 in lndustrial Engineering, Management (a)
  4. D3 Mechanical, Electronics (c)
  5. S1 Engineering, Mechanical, Electronics (d)
  6. Fresh is preferable (a, c)
  7. Experience as a supervisor (b, d)
  8. Understand ISO 9000 and 14000 (b)
  9. Good communication in English
  10. Strong, Dynamic, willing to work in strong Team work
  11. Placement in Batam


  • Male/female Single age min. 18 years old 
  • S1/D3 in Industrial Engineering,
  • Management, or others Fresh is preferable
  • Good communication in English
  • Strong, Dynamic, willing to work in strong Team work
  • Placement in Batam

Pastikan persyaratan untuk pendaftaran sesuai seperti berikut :

1. Wanita/Single
2. Pendidikan SLTA Sederajat ( lulusan tahun 2019,2020,2021)
3. Minimal usia 18 tahun dan sudah memiliki E-KTP
4. Tinggi badan minimal 155Cm
5. Tidak rabun/menggunakan kaca mata
6. Bersedia tinggal di dormitory
7. Memiliki Kartu Kuning (AK1), NPWP dan SKCK yang masih berlaku
8. Bersedia mengikuti Medical Test dan Anigen/PCR
9. Belum pernah mengikuti seleksi di PT Universal Karya Mandiri
10. Sudah Vaksin

Form Lamaran - Security Wanita

PT. Universal Karya Mandiri merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam manpower specialist saat ini sedang membutuhkan Security Wanita dengan kriteria di bawah ini:

  • Usia 20-30 tahun
  • Memiliki KTA & Sertifikat Gada Pratama(wajib)
  • Tinggi min. 160 cm
  • Pendidikan SMA/sederajat
  • Berbadan sehat
  • Pengalaman min. 1 tahun sbg Security
  • Surat lamaran kerja & CV
  • Pas foto 6x4 (4 lembar)
  • FC KTP
  • FC Sertifikat Gada Pratama
  • FC KTA Security
  • FC SKCK aktif
  • FC Ijazah terakhir
  • Surat pengalaman kerja (jika ada)
Seluruh proses rekrutmen yang dilakukan oleh PT. Universal Karya Mandiri tidak dipungut biaya apapun Alias GRATIS


A Japanese leading manufacturer of electronic components which is located in Batam, Kepulauan Riau is seeking the qualified candidates with the following requirement:
• Diploma / Polytechnic in
Mechanical/ Electronics/Electrical

  • Male, Single age min. 18 years old
  • Fresh is preferable
  • Good communication in English
  • Strong, Dynamic,willing to work instrong Team work
PLACEMENT IN BATAM, Kepualauran Riau, Indonesia
Valid until 31 December 2021
*Test will conduct at Batam
*Interviews will conduct at Batam through Zoom Meeting

Form Application - Engineering Manager


  • Outstanding performance regarding communication and management skills.
  • High identification with values like integrity, commitment and teamwork.
  • Microsoft Office
  • Good English communication in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Strong interpersonal skill, ability to lead a strong team
  • 5 years’ experience on Engineering Department, Lean Engineering, Production development and Production jig/fixture improvement. Expert on data and system management.
  • Manage the release of new products, new country versions, new colors, etc.
  • Analyze and monitor the agreed targets. Trigger corrective actions and/or evaluate further improvement possibilities.
  • Provide proactive and constructive feedback to system and product problems with the aim of corrective actions and evaluation reports for prevention and correction.
  • Enhance continuous improvements and provide technical advice or proposal/methods to the management regarding productivity/efficiency, innovation, cost savings, quality of products and other defined performance indicators.
  • Work together with industrial engineering to prepare the production process and line layout to ensure an economical manufacturing process.
  • Act in line with COC and sustainable management. Take social and environmental responsibility as integral elements to achieve outstanding results. Correct deviations according company guidelines and policies.
The entire recruitment process carried out by PT. Universal Karya Mandiri is free of charge

Link Melamar Untuk Posisi ada di Bawah ( Tinggal di Klik ) :


Maintenance Technician : https://forms.office.com/r/PCXEfsmFuK

Security Wanita : Bit.ly/secwanukm

Engineering Manager : Bit.ly/manager-engineerukm