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Loker Batam Operator PT Latrade Batam Indonesia

PT Latrade Batam Indonesia


Dibuka lowongan pekerjaan :
Kami mencari kandidat untuk mengisi lowongan sebagai berikut:

1. Account Executive
2. HR Supervisor
3. Logistic Executive
4. Turning/Milling/Bubut Operator

  1. Pendidikan min. S1 (1,2,3) & min SMK (4)
  2. Wanita (1,2,3) & Pria (4)
  3. Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidangnya
  4. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang industri manufaktur
  5. Menguasai dan familiar dengan masing-masing bidang yang dilamar
  6. Rajin, cekatan dan mampu bekerja multitasking
Silakan kirimkan resume dan CV Anda melalui pos atau email ke :
PT Latrade Batam Indonesia JI Sei Binti Komp. Latrade Industrial Park Blok E No 3 Tanjung Uncang - Batam Email: latrade@latrade-batam.com


We are looking for a competent HRD Coordinator to oversee and manage training, learning, and development programs including mandatory compliance training initiatives.
Job description:
1) Responsible for the administration of managing and developing human resources.
2) Create and maintain an effective and efficient HR system.
3) Fully responsible for the employee recruitment process.
4) Carry out coaching, training and activities related to the development of employee abilities, potential, mental, skills and knowledge.
1) Minimum 2 years in HR role.
2) Create and evaluate Company Regulations,understanding labour laws
3) Able to make budgeting by considering cost effectiveness and efficiency. 4) Able to plan employee competency development programs. 5) Planning the development of a compensation system taking into account the competitiveness of the workforce. Send your application letter and resume to: PT. MITRA WINSY INDONESIA Komplek Ruko Tropicana Blok C7 No. 3A-5.
Contact: Mr. Ramos (+62 853 7788 7559)